
Kathryn E. May, PsyD

Dr. Kathryn E. May is a practicing clinical psychologist and inspirational workshop leader who has been in private practice in New York City and the Hudson Valley area for more than 35 years. She has developed the radically new Visual Centering technique which has helped hundreds of clients to rework neurological brain channels, allowing them to see life, literally, from a more positive, present-oriented perspective. This, combined with her spiritual approach to social and developmental issues, has evolved into a treatment method for eliminating anxiety and depression as well as resolving personal and family relationship struggles.

Dr. Kathryn is the author of Who Needs Light? – the book written over a  twenty year span of her lifetime. .. the book which caused Dr. Wayne Dyer to say, “Get to know this woman!”  And, indeed, today her  range of clients has become a global family.

In recent years, Dr. Kathryn has allowed the special Gifts she disregarded in her childhood and youth to emerge once more, bringing clarifying Messages from the Cosmos and from the Galactics.  During this time of Earth’s transitioning, we appreciate all the more the opportunity of benefiting from the timely Information and Guidance brought to us through Dr. Kathryn E. May.

Dr. Kathryn has been asked by Spirit to serve as the official “Voice of Mother/Father God.” In this capacity she has transcribed frequent messages which have become the journal When God Pinched My Toe.  Sananda/Jesus has also requested that Dr. Kathryn act as his scribe for The New Scriptures which are corrections to  Jesus’ earlier messages which, over time, became adulterated.